24V to 5V 10A power supply converter schematic

24V to 5V 10A power supply converter schematic diagram
with IC LT1074 5A (LT1076 is rated at 2A) monolithic bipolar
switching regulator which requires only a few external parts
for normal operation. The power switch, all oscillator and
control circuitry, and all current limit com-ponents, are
included on the chip. The topology is a classic positive
“buck” configuration but several design innovations allow
this device to be used as a positive-to-negative converter,
a negative boost converter, and as a flyback converter. The
switch output is specified to swing 40V below ground,
allowing the LT1074 to drive a tappedinductor in the buck
mode with output currents up to 10A.
On-chip pulse by pulse current limiting makes the LT1074
nearly bust-proof for output overloads or shorts. The input
voltage range as a buck converter is 8V to 60V, but a
selfboot feature allows input voltages as low as 5V in the
inverting and boost configurations.