HAM antenna radio

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HF Amplifiers versus Antennas—One Ham's Opinion. Think you need a shiny new linear amplifier to chase away your HF radio blues? Think again. What you ...
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Jul 17, 2007 ... The third reason is a desire to teach basic antenna theory to the averageham. Therefore, to achieve that goal, you should read this book from ...
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Almost every ham likes to experiment with antennas. Your first antenna very likely won't be your last, but you have to start somewhere. Towers and beams are.
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Debunking Half-wave Antenna Myths. The half-wave vertical antenna is a popular configuration in the amateur radio community. Unfortunately its performance is ...
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ham operators. The antenna is arguably one of the most important parts of the receiving and/or transmitting station (Fig. 1-1). That is what this book is all about.
www.apparentlyapparel.com/.../_____practical_antenna_handbook_fourth_ edition_carr.pdf
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Smart Measurement Solutions. Bode 100 - Application Note. Evaluation of Broadcast andHam Radio Antennas. Page 1 of 19. Evaluation of Broadcast and Ham ...
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This project produces an inexpensive, multiband, end fed HF antenna matchbox that is ...Emergency Amateur Radio Club of Honolulu volunteers make fully ...
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The antenna is completely assembled and no adjustments should be ... Unlike manyantenna designs, the 7-Band OCF covers the ENTIRE 80/75 meter band ...
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If you're still waiting for your first ham ticket you'll soon be putting together your first station and looking for an antenna system for the bands on which you can.
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How would the CHA250B fair on a crowded HF band during a contest? Would the antenna be “quiet” on receive? Lastly, how would it perform across all the ham ...
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