1W LED circuit diagram
Circuit diagram shows a typical
simple low cost solution with a ZXSC310 driving a 1W LED with a
typical forward voltage of 3.4V at 300mA from a dual cell battery. A
dual cell supply will have a voltage range of 1.8V to 2.5V for NiCd
and NiMH type batteries and up to 3V for alkaline type batteries.
Low cost, small and simple solutions are important in applications
such as flashlight, signage and illuminations where 1W high power
LED is powered from a low voltage supply as in single and dual cell

Typical dual cell battery powered
1W LED drive circuit. Source: Zetex
Dimming and shutdown In circuit
diagram, the shutdown pin, Stdn, can be tied to VCC pin for normal
operation. If the shutdown pin is taken to ground, the ZXSC310
enters standby mode with a low quiescent current of 5microA. The
shutdown pin can also be used for PWM dimming by connecting a PWM
signal. The LED current is then dependent on PWM duty ratio.
