If anyones wondering: I made this for my video productions class, not for
the internet. I just put it up along with all my other stuff. There is an
intro of me walking, and then a little outi with my bro!
So, since I did not feel like buying an expensive system to install in the
datsun that would most likely outweigh the value of the car, this is what
I did: I figured out what I needed to hook up an old basic bookshelf
system in the car and make it work. I made this video for my video
productions class, so It wont be as informative as it could, but you can
get the basic idea.
I just got all the required stuff and hooked it all up, and it has been
working beautifuly for a few months now...
I hope you can do this also, and that it might help, or you could just
show some of your friends.